Employers will often require applicants to take a urine drug test before employment. For example, if you are applying for a job to be a police officer, the department may require that you undergo random drug testing throughout your tenure with the department. As an employer, it is important that your employees are not under the influence at work and that they do not use drugs while on duty. However, you may wonder what types of drug tests your employees are being subjected to regularly. Read below to learn more about the different types of urine drug test screening panels:
1. A Five-Panel Test
This type of drug test is the most common and will include five tests for different drugs in the body. Each drug will be tested separately, making it a more thorough panel. This type of panel is used to monitor chronic and acute use of multiple drugs over time and recent drug use.
2. A Ten-Panel Test
This type of drug test combines the five-panel test and each drug being tested individually. This is a good option for employers interested in monitoring their current employee’s drug use rather than testing for past drug use.
3. A Custom Test
For applicants undergoing drug testing as part of a pre-employment process or random drug testing on an ongoing basis, it is important that the employer can offer an individualized test to each applicant. A customized panel may include more of the drugs that you suspect your employees are using as well as less of the drugs that you do not feel pose a huge risk to your employees.
4. A Hair Test
This type of drug test is not commonly used for pre-employment drug testing. It is more frequently used as a post-accident testing method or to monitor an employee at risk for drug-related issues. Employers like this type of test because it can detect drug use that may be difficult to see with other methods, such as urine or saliva lab tests.
5. A Saliva Test
A saliva test is an easy and convenient way to monitor your employees’ drug use while on the job. Sample collection is simple and can be done without much hassle. These tests are also less invasive than blood or urine testing, making them ideal for working professionals.
6. A Breathalyzer Test
Breathalyzers are most commonly used as part of a DUI arrest, but they have been around for decades and have proven effective in monitoring drug use. This test measures the alcohol levels in your bloodstream and can detect certain trace amounts of certain drugs, such as marijuana. To achieve the best results, your employees must abstain from using drugs at least 12 hours before the test.
7. A Fiber Test
This relatively new technology tests for illegal drugs in your hair. Unlike other drug tests, this test does not look for metabolites or traces of drug usage in the body. Instead, it seeks out evidence of drugs in your hair follicle. This test can detect chronic and recent drug use and will catch drug users who may have detoxified their systems before testing a urine or saliva sample.
These are just a few examples of the different types of drug test panels that are available. It is important to understand which type of panel is best for your organization and will work best for your employees. As an employer, it is also important that you do not penalize an employee who does not break the law but does take a piss daily.