What is the most common pre-employment drug test? One answer is a urine drug test. Most companies conduct drug testing before employment; this is usually offered to those that do not have drug-related convictions on their records.
This is legal in many states; even if you are not a US citizen, several federal laws protect employees against drug testing by employers. Urine testing by employers is usually legal; however, there are a few exceptions to these laws.
An example of a urine test is most commonly offered to those that have had some ingesting alcohol or any other controlled substance in the past. A urinalysis will determine if the person has had drug use in the body. Both of these are considered to be illegal drug use. Although urine testing can be done in several ways, the most common way to perform this test is with a sample of your urine. A particular device is used to collect the urine sample, and it is then sent through a machine that analyzes the sample for the presence of various substances.
Blood tests can also be administered. The vial is first filled with a type of fluid, usually the urine. Blood is then added to the fluid, and several seconds are allowed for the blood to clot. A test is performed on this substance. Sometimes these tests are also offered for the hair.
Both urine and blood testing can be used for employment purposes as well.
When a drug screen is conducted on an individual applying for a job, it is widespread for a pre-employment drug test to be performed. Depending upon the specific drug that is being tested, the test may also include a stool sample. The stool sample’s purpose is to compare the drug in question and the samples given by a drug screen.
Some employers will also ask for permission from potential employees to take a sample of their stool to further the pre-employment drug test procedures.
When the pre-employment drug test is used for security purposes, it is also common for employers to know whether a person has any prior drug or alcohol use. This is common for any number of reasons. It could be that they are applying to work for a company that does not allow personal marijuana use. In other cases, it could be that they are working for a company that does not allow the use of recreational drugs at all.
Another question that must be answered when determining the most common pre-employment drug test is the amount of drug or alcohol that should be found on a person’s body. Some tests do not require a sample; instead, the employer has to determine how much drug or alcohol is presently based on the questions’ answers. Some tests do not require a sample but will require a spit sample. If the spit sample is negative, then it is possible that some amount of drug or alcohol was present in the system.
When a pre-employment drug test is administered, an individual must know the most common pre-employment drug test and what questions are asked. A drug test can determine if a person has been using drugs or alcohol at work and determine if they are a risk to others. Pre-employment testing can be used as a part of background checks.